With a great target of producing problem solving research and accumulating a body of knowledge for future academic reasons, the Injibara University has organized the Directorate of Research and Publication under the office of the Vice President of Research and Community Services. The Vice President of Research and Community Services is in charge of managing the research and community services so as take part in contributing to the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) of the country and other relevant initiatives. The Research and Publication Directorate identifies priority areas of research with the long view of the GTP and generates a body of knowledge for evidence based interventions for further academic and community service activities. The Directorate envisions to ensure food security and public welfare through Entrepreneurship and Organizational Transformation, improved access and quality of education, ethical and political commitment while also working on Sport, Culture, Language and Tourism Development as well as environmental and climate changes. Detailed Priority Research Areas of the University can be accessed here.
Rights and Responsibilities of Researchers
The university has organized research and community facilities with experienced hospitable staff to invite local and international researchers to facilitate the conduct of research in identified priority research areas. Faculty members are invited to university funded annual research grant calls. They can collaborate with other local and international researchers to formulate multidisciplinary network of research team. We welcome all interested local and international researchers to collaboratively work with and share our research facility for equitable and mutual benefits. All researchers are free to recruit research topics, formulate their own findings and conclusions and to seek support from any source for their research projects. However, research methods should not violate established ethical principles and commitment aimed to safeguard the health, safety, privacy and personal rights of participants and research users. More detailed information about the rights and responsibilities of researchers can be obtained from the university Research and Publication Guideline. Researchers can also access a template for research proposal writing in the Research and Publication Guideline.
Researchers in Injibara University are collaboratively contributing their new research findings in locally and internationally indexed journals. Since 2018-2020, a total of 160 articles have been published. The contents of the publications include: Agriculture, Business and Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities, Health Sciences and Education and Behavioural Sciences.
Associate Professor, Mental Health Epidemiology
Director of Research and Publication Directorate
Email: tesera2016@gamil.com
Tel: +251911173656